I'm so glad you're here! My hope is to bring mamas encouragement, joy, peace, and strength to walk through motherhood. I am a sleep training, postpartum doula-ing, meal planning mama who cares deeply about you, friend!
Baby Sleep During Sick Season
I know for many (our family included!) this sick season has been SO hard! Since starting school in August, my four year old has pretty much stayed sick (and shared that with us, too!). And it’s even harder when you know your kiddos should be getting rest to recover, but their sleep is all thrown off from the illness!
So, how can you help support your baby or toddler to get more sleep, so that they can recover faster?
Add comforting measures- pull out all the stops… humidifiers, snot suckers, warm baths or steam showers before sleep, vapo rub on chest and bottoms of feet, meds (if baby is old enough for them), essential oils. Anything to make them comfier!
Provide them with temporary sleep support- If your little isn’t sleeping well (even if they normally do!) it’s okay to help them out when they’re sick…feed or rock them to sleep, sleep in their room on the floor if they’re in their own room, or just stay in the room a little longer if they’re okay putting themselves to sleep but just need your presence. You aren’t ruining anything, I promise. You can get right back on track after their sickness passes.
Allow flexibility- I remember being a new mom and freaking out if my son was sick and his nap schedule was wrecked- either by him refusing naps altogether or wanting to nap a ton. Then I heard somewhere to just let them sleep however they can (on you, in the car, etc), for as long as they can, and that was a game changer. Stop stressing and just let sleep happen when it does….I know, easier said than done, but it really does help to have that flexible mindset!
Remember to wash your hands (and theirs) a ton, to try to stay healthy! We also love elderberry syrup to boost the immune system, and honey to coat the throat if cough is bad.
Now….what should you do when YOU are the one who is sick, and you still have to parent?! It can be SO hard to take care of yourself when you have others to look after as well….but it’s so important.
Let yourself sleep /rest as much as you can- don’t worry about what needs to be done (laundry, dishes, meal prepping, etc). I’m not saying those things don’t matter!! But they aren’t priority right now. Rest is. You can get to it in a few days (or even better, a family member or spouse can!) Which leads me to the next point…
Accept help. I know this can be SO hard to do, but try to accept help from family members/friends/partners/etc, or if that’s not an option, MAKE help! Order doordash for dinner or make boxed mac and cheese, instacart your groceries or do order pickup, hire a laundry service. Do what you can with the resources you have to make things easier on yourself. No need to suffer through!! Remember…moms can do anything, but they ✨CAN’T✨ do everything.
Prioritize fluids! Water, bone broth, tea, hot water with lemon, electrolytes. This will help you not only feel better, but recover faster as well!
I added this above, but it’s worth re-mentioning… wash your hands a TON. There can’t be too much washing. 😉 And no….unfortunately, hand sanitizer doesn’t count (it doesn’t kill near as many germs as soap and water do).
And most importantly, remember….this too shall pass, mama. Hang in there. There is no better mama on the planet for your baby, even when you’re sick! 🤧😷🩷